Bethlehem Birds 5pc 5"
51516 $36.50 Donkey Family 3pc 5"
51533 $35.50 Sheep Family 3pc 5"
51539 $22.50 Rachel 5"
52547 $22.50 Hannah 5"
52567 $30.00 Birds Of Bethlehem 7.5"
52822 $64.50 Reuben 7.5"
52830 $57.00 Seated Camel With Saddle 7.5"
52843 $74.50 Donkey 27"
53133 $1400.00 NOW ON SALE $700.00 John The Apostle 5"
53503 $26.50 Peter 5"
54049 $31.50 Maia 5"
54073 $30.00 Holy Family Vignette Musical *RETIRED*
54596 $40.00 My First Nativity 3pc 5" *RETIRED*
55010 $75.00 Jareth 5"
55103 $30.00 Palm Trees 3pc 5"
56572 $45.00 Palm Trees 3pc 7.5"
56830 $72.00 Bethany 5"
57526 $30.00 Elisabeth 5"
57579 $30.00 City wall 5" RETIRED
59526 $21.50 Arch
65030 $55.00 Ariel 5" *RETIRED*
65113 $29.50 Advent Stable 25pc
65400 $60.00 Guardian Angel With Boy *RETIRED*
65525 $22.50 Holy Family Musical Waterball *RETIRED*
66166 $145.00 Mary 5"
72512 $27.50 White Sheep 5pc 5"
72539 $33.50 Standing Camel 5"
72683 $30.00 King Melchior 7.5"
72814 $63.00 Kneeling Angel 7.5"
72818 $57.00 Kings On Animals 3pc 5"
65244 $222.50 Holy Family 3pc 7.5"
71811 $168.00 Standing Angel 5"
72519 $30.00 Standing Angel 7.5"
72819 $57.00 |
Lighted Stone Stable (figures not included)
50598 $125.00 Lighted Campfires 2pc 7.5"
50813 $8.00 Potter Shop 7.5"
50834 $67.50 Barnyard Birds 12pc 5"
51517 $60.00 Ox Family 3pc 5"
51534 $39.00 Standing Ox 5"
54141 $26.00 Ethan 5"
52524 $30.00 Ruth 5"
52548 $26.50 Orion 5"
52586 $31.50 Standing Camel 7.5"
52744 $80.00 Alexander 7.5" *RETIRED*
52808 $50.00 Baby Camel 2pc 7.5"
RETIRED 52825 $55.00 Standing Horse 7.5"
RETIRED 52844 $57.50 Sheep 3pc 7.5"
52899 $30.00 Rebecca 27"
53185 $1500.00 NOW ON SALE $750.00 Mary Magdalene 5"
53505 $30.00 Isaiah 5"
54010 $30.00 Mary's Donkey 3pc 5"
54020 $37.00 Goats 2pc 5"
54030 $22.00 The Littlest Angel 5"
54042 $18.00 LED Campfire 5"
54322 $11.50 Nativity Scene Italian 12pc 5"
54490 $385.00 Cypress Trees set 5pc 5"
54601 $47.00 Stable 5"
54628 $90.00 Starter Nativity 4pc 5"
54710 $152.00 Brass Star Lighted Ornament 5"
56560 $8.50 FigTree 5"
56578 $75.00 Joseph 5" Centennial
57511 $25.00 Silas 5"
57521 $25.00 Grapevine Fences 2pc 5"
RETIRED 59527 $17.00 Musical Display Base *RETIRED*
65063 $15.00 Emanuele 5" *RETIRED*
65114 $19.50 Merari 5" *RETIRED*
65138 $22.50 Bless This Child Boy RETIRED
65518 $12.50 Seated Camel 5"
72684 $30.00 |
Holy Family Dry Dome
50187 $45.00 NOW ON SALE $22.50 Journey To Bethlehem 5"
51502 $57.50 Cats 3pc 5"
51518 $28.00 Standing Ox 5"
54140 $23.50 Sheep 5pc 5"
52539 $26.50 Jeremiah 5"
52587 $26.50 Mary's Donkey 2pc 7.5"
52805 $85.00 Ephraim 7.5"
RETIRED 52820 $50.00 Carmi 7.5" RETIRED
52827 $50.00 Seated Ox 7.5"
52804 $62.00 Angel Gloria 27"
53117 $1850.00 NOW ON SALE $925.00 Abraham 27"
53199 $1500.00 NOW ON SALE $750.00 The Risen Christ 5"
53507 $26.50 Seated Ox 5"
54016 $26.50 Madeline 5"
54038 $30.00 Aquila 5"
54043 $30.00 Palm Trees 3pc 5"
54605 $33.00 Holy Family Cross 11.25" *RETIRED*
54632 $18.50 Animal Corral 5"
55575 $45.50 Stand for Star
56569 $7.50 Mary 5" Centennial
57512 $25.00 Matthew 5"
57549 $29.00 Campfire With Pot Lighted 5"
59532 $17.00 Albero Tree 5"
59536 $58.00 Flight Into Egypt *RETIRED*
65064 $53.00 Jareth 7.5"
65169 $57.00 St. Francis Of Assisi 5"
65260 $47.00 Bless This Child Girl RETIRED
65519 $12.50 Nativity T.V. Musical *RETIRED*
66017 $225.00 Micah 5"
72558 $26.50 Marcus 5"
75509 $26.50 Alexander 5"
75508 $26.50 |
Trumpeting Angels 2pc 5"
51503 $55.00 Dog Family 5"
51538 $20.00 Jacob 5"
52583 $26.50 Noah 5"
52562 $30.00 Jacob 7.5"
52842 $50.00 Rachel 7.5" RETIRED
52847 $50.00 Mary Mother Of Christ 5"
53502 $30.00 Seated Donkey 5"
54017 $26.50 Dogs 5"
54028 $20.00 Children's Camel 5"
54032 $43.00 Gloria Angel 5"
54060 $25.00 Gabriel 5"
54069 $26.50 Fences 2pc 5"
54320 $17.00 Single Palm Tree 5"
56571 $17.00 Baby Jesus 5" Centennial
57513 $27.50 Thaddeus 5"
57578 $26.50 Palm Trees 3pc 5" *RETIRED*
59533 $39.50 Jada 5"
59800 $22.50 Felix 5"
72690 $26.50 Gera 5" *RETIRED*
65128 $21.00 Silvanus 5"
59802 $26.50 Nativity LED Music Box RETIRED
66030 $78.00 Joseph 5"
SALE 72511 $19.50 Camel With Blanket 5"
72526 $45.00 Miriam 5"
72572 $26.50 Paul 5"
72688 $26.50 Gloria Angel 7.5"
72817 $57.00 Holy Family 2.5" RETIRED
80964 $12.00 King Gaspar 5"
72187 $26.50 White Horse With Blanket 5"
72524 $40.00 King Balthazar 7.5"
72816 $63.00 Gabriel 5"
72551 $29.00 Jethro, Tamar & Saul 5"
72696 $26.50 King Gaspar 7.5"
72815 $63.00 |